BEWARE OF COUNTERFEIT BOOKS. Readers report that Amazon's 3rd-party sellers are selling counterfeit books; the counterfeits have misprints, missing pages or pages in reverse order. We are working with Amazon to resolve the issue. In the meantime, purchase genuine books with the logo: Brand New 2nd EditionInterview Math provides over 60 practice problems and answers to help job seekers master consulting math and other quantitative interview questions including: - Market Sizing
- Revenue Estimates
- Profitability
- Breakeven
- Pricing
- Customer Lifetime Value
Interview Math is one of the primary texts for modern case interview preparation. Get comfortable with quant interview questions without getting frustrated or drawing a blank. This thoroughly revised and updated second edition adds more questions and clearer examples. World's #1 Selling Book on Case Interview MathInterview Math is a proven how-to guide will teach you straight-forward interview math concepts and principles – and then master those concepts with over 60 practice questions, filled with detailed answers. After going through the book, candidates will feel knowledgeable, confident, relaxed and ready to tackle interview math questions. Ideal for McKinsey, BCG, and Bain InterviewsIt's ideal for highly sought-after roles below including: - Management Consulting: McKinsey, BCG, Bain, Deloitte
- General Management: Capital One, GE
- Marketing: General Mills, Google, Starbucks, Hershey
- Software Engineering: Goldman Sachs, Microsoft
- Finance: American Airlines, Best Buy, JetBlue
Here's What People Say about Interview MathThe book gave just the right amount of detail (which is totally different than, let's say, Case Interview Secrets by Victor Cheng), was extremely clear, and provided examples after examples to practice on. My confidence was built after reading through the book, and I blasted through my quant case study during the interview. Thank you, Lewis Lin! Highly recommend. If I had more confidence in my math, I don't think I wouldn't have made such dumb mistakes in my recent case interview. So, that's where this book comes in...if you have math issues. If you work through this book - it'll take some of the pressure off your math nerves so you can focus on the case question. Hi Lewis. Just wanted to reach out and let you know that I really appreciated your book on quant interviews. It focused on just the right amount of info, was clear, and I liked the large number of practice cases. I breezed through my LEK quant consulting case because of it.