Combines and sequences fat-burning and body-sculpting moves for an efficient, time-saving workout! The FIRM's signature program, Complete Aerobics & Weight Training makes the most of each workout! The FIRM delivers a combination total-body workout that blasts fat and reshapes your body like no other workout can! FIRM Master Instructor Emily Welsh guides you through this fun mix of total-body, muscle-shaping, fat-burning moves for a complete workout in less than one hour! This workout includes more than 40 minutes of body-shaping interval training. We sequence the upper- and lower-body moves so that you shape muscles while you burn fat! You'll also condition your heart throughout this workout! The variety doesn't stop there - aerobic segments are interspersed to keep the heart rate up and burn even more calories and fat. Plus it introduces new, low-impact kickboxing moves for maximum benefit without impact. A 9-minute chest and ab routine on the floor and an extra-long 5-minute stretch are the perfect ending!