IdealStretch - The safest and most effective way to stretch. IdealStretch is the Safest and Most Effective Hamstring, calf, knee and lower back Stretching Aid. Mechanically correct and pressure free stretching of all muscles, ligaments and tendons running from the lower back all the way down to the plantar facia. Specifications - Lightweight metal and heavy duty mesh construction Features - Lightweight, portable, easy to assemble, no moving parts, safe and effective. Works great for people of all fitness and flexibility levels.
Features & details
HAMSTRING AND CALF STRETCHER: Most effective hamstring stretching device, stretching the hamstring and calf at the same time. BACK AND KNEE STRETCHER: IdealStretch also relives tight and short Illio-Tibial (IT) band tissues, reducing lower back, knee, and lateral knee pain. Stretching the hamstrings relieves back pressure and pain. SAFE: Bending over is a horrible way to stretch. IdealStretch uses the safest way, which is lying on your back with your knee straight, eliminating the pressure off of your spine and maintaining proper hip orientation. MULTPLE STRETCHES SAME DEVICE: Hamstring, Hip, IT Band, and Groin stretches can all be performed using this single device. Highly effective for warmup, exercise, post-exercise, physical therapy and rehabilitation. QUALITY: The light steel frame is made of the highest quality using heavy-duty construction.
EAN: 0033586465222
Manufacturer: IdealStretch
Brand: IdealStretch