Features & details
Use 19 financial calculators to manage your finances including asset allocation, college saving, compounding interest, future value, loan comparison, loan payment, mortgage payment, present value, withdrawal investment amount, and many other calculators 5 new calculators include college savings, loan comparison based on interest rates, loan interest reduction based on additional payments, mortgage loan and payment schedule, and annualized rate of return, and 14 existing calculators with updated features Create your home budget using 13 top-level income and expense categories with over 110 allowable budget items, and enter your data quickly using the new Fill and Add features Fill and Add selections include: Daily, Weekly, Every Two Weeks, Monthly, Twice a Month, Every Other Month, Quarterly, Twice a Year, Yearly, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan-Feb-Mar, Apr-May-Jun, Jul-Aug-Sep, Oct-Nov-Dec Create short-term and long-term financial goals including the amount of money required for each goal and the goal time horizon, then track your progress toward achieving each goal, and use the enhanced print capability to print all your reports
Brand: Made Easy Enterprises LLC