Benagh is one of the most intelligent and insightful teachers around. - Yoga Journal Yoga over 50 DVD contains Workout Video Routines to stay fit, healthy and flexible. A yoga DVD for those over 50, including yoga for seniors, to build strength, increase flexibility, promote calmness and improve balance. Our easy-to-use menu allows you to choose from 8 customized routines ranging from 20-60 minutes: - Flexibility & Strength - Seated Poses - Flowing Sun Salutations - Guided Relaxation and Meditation - Gentle Yoga on a Chair - Osteoporosis - Osteoarthritis Yoga video routines led by world renowned yoga instructor Barbara Benagh, who over the last 40 years has developed an insightful style that emphasizes reducing stress and promoting healthy living through the practice of yoga. Shot near beautiful Glacier National Park