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Capital Teas Royal Wedding Tea

SKU: B00PK35MBO (Updated 2023-01-22)
Price: US$ 31.66

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Features & details

Union of our bold Cream Earl Grey Black and our light and refreshing Cream Earl Grey White
Has approximately 15% of the caffeine content of coffee
Great source of antioxidants, which have been shown to lower the risk of heart disease
Black tea and White Tea have been shown to reduce cholesterol
May be a mentally stimulating beverage
One 8 ounce bag of premium Royal Wedding black and white tea
Union of Cream Earl Grey Black tea and Cream Earl Grey White tea
Enhanced with the essence of roses
High caffeine content and great source of antioxidants
Made by Capital Teas (details in product description below)

EAN: 0813222020523

Manufacturer: Capital Teas

Brand: Capital Teas
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