The Charming bouquet is perfect for Valentine's Day and includes 18 Stems of Charmelia, Alstroemeria, Dianthus, Poms, Spray Roses, and Foliage . Occasionally, substitutions may be necessary due to seasonal availability. Flowers are picked fresh from the farm and shipped in ready-to-bloom budding stage to give optimal life. Blooms will open in 2-3 days, as shown in photo Immediately remove your flowers from the packaging, cut the stems, place in your vase with fresh clean water, and enjoy The Charming Bouquet makes a thoughtful gift for family, friends, and coworkers and is perfect for any special occasions Hallmark Flowers ship in a decorative Hallmark gift box
EAN: 0782752965485
Manufacturer: Hallmark Licensing, LLC. and its affiliates -- Dropship
Brand: Hallmark Flowers
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