hivealive trial results show:
* 89% increase in colony Population
* 40% increase in Honey production
* 15% reduction in overwinter losses
* 39% increase in brood production
* improved intestinal well-being
using hivealive:
hive alive is easily added to sugar syrup at a rate of 2.5ml (1/2 tsp)per L (1 quart) syrup
we recommend feeding a minimum of 1 gallon of activated syrupper hive
For best results: feed in the fall & in spring. Hivealive can also be added to pollen patties & fondant
hivealive has fed over 4 million colonies worldwide & is sold in over 30 countries
key benefits
* only feed enhancer for bees WITH long-term efficacy
* only feed enhancer for bees WITH seaweed
* more bees
* more honey
* improved winter survival
* maintains colony health
fall - minimize winter losses, build stronger colonies & improve intestinal wellbeing; use every fall
spring - maximize colony buildup, prepare for Migration & improve intestinal wellbeing; use every Spring
added 2.5ml hivealive to 1 liter of your sugar syrup.