If you follow weight-loss trends, then you've probably heard about intermittent fasting, which has dieters forgoing food for up to 16 hours, then consuming their meals during the remaining eight hours of the day. It's restrictive but not crazy grueling.
The OMAD diet, however, takes this to the extreme. OMAD stands for "one meal a day"; the idea is to fast for 23 hours straight and then consume one large meal in a 60-minute window. Lately, OMAD has been gaining popularity, with people swearing by it as a weight-loss method as well as a way to tackle chronic disease and other health issues.
From an evolutionary standpoint, humans aren't meant for three scheduled and square meals a day. Our ancestors developed powerful adaptations to keep their bodies and brains performing at high levels, even when food was scarce. Intermittent fasting schedules such as OMAD supercharge your body by activating stress-response pathways that boost mitochondrial performance, autophagy, and DNA repair in your cells, as well as triggering beneficial metabolic changes and preventing chronic disease processes.
This audiobook is to find out what the OMAD diet is all about and whether it can really help you reach your weight-loss and health goals.